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Teagmháil Idir An Scoil Agus An Baile /

Home-School Contact

Effective partnership between parents and teachers is paramount so that we can provide all of the children with the richest educational opportunities. As adults we should aim to show appreciation of the efforts and contribution of all and encourage Kind hands Kind words Kind feet among the children.It is very important to inform the school in writing if your child has any special needs or medical conditions eg. Hearing,sight, diabetes,asthma, epilepsy, allergies etc and provide the school with copies of any Health/Educational/Psychological reports.The full support of all parents in promoting the Irish language is very important. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with the school in developing the full potential of their children. They are also encouraged to participate in policy and decision making processes affecting them and to become actively involved in the Parent Association.


Tá sé rí-thábhachtach go gcuirfí an scoil ar an eolas láithreach dá dtarlódh imeachtaí/cásanna teaghlaigh a chuirfeadh imní ar pháiste agus a mbeadh tionchar diúltach aige ar a c(h)uid oideachais.

It is vital that the school is informed immediately of family events/situations that occur which may cause anxiety to the child and adversely affect his/her education.


Máire Uí Shé, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Uimhir Rolla


Fón: 021-4826181



Cumann Rugbaí Bhaile an Chollaigh, Tanner Park, Cúl Rua, Baile an Chollaigh, Co. Chorcaí, P31 W270


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