Ár Suaitheantas Scoile
Our School Crest
Mar phobal scoile táimid fíorbhródúil as an suaitheantas scoile atá againn. Léiríonn sé ár Ráiteas Misin agus ár meon scoile mar phobal foghlama. Tá gach leanbh comhionnach tábhachtach inár scoil. Cuirimid meas, cineáltas, fáilte agus comhionannas go príomha chun cinn sa scoil s’againne. Tá a fhios againn go bhfuilimid go léir difriúil, go bhfuilimid go léir éagsúil, go léir eisceachtúil. Tugaimid aire dá chéile beag beann ar an gcreideamh nó cultúr atá againn.
As a school community we are very proud of our crest. As a learning community it symbolises our Mission Statement and Ethos. Every child is equally welcome and important in our school. We place respect, kindness, the acceptance and equality of all as central and always to the fore in our school. We know that we are all different, all unique, all exceptional. We take care of each other whatever our religious belief or culture is.