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Gabhaimid ár mbuíochas ó chroí le Sandra Holohan, Lorraine Scanlan, Máiread Ní Iarlaith agus an Meitheal Garraídóireachta, as an éacht oibre atá déanta acu. Gabhaimid buíochas faoi leith le Men's Shed Ballincollig. Tá ár ngairdín scoile faoi bhláth agus ag féachaint go hálainn agus tá na prátaí scoile ullamh le cur!

Sincere thanks to the Garden committee and their trojan work last week end to kick start our “Feed the Belly, Feed the Mind, Feed the Body” Garden project. Our school garden is a delight to see. The potatoes they observed sprouting in school are been dug and will be ready for our cooking projects! Each class enjoyed taking turns to plant bulbs in early Spring. We look forward to watching the garden develop over the coming year.

Garraíodóireacht /Our school Garden


Scoileanna Ildánacha / Creative Schools

Le linn an téarma seo, bhí ár leanaí ag úsáid a gcuid samhlaíochta agus guthanna chun féidireachtaí na timpeallacht scoile a fhorbairt faoi thionscnamh na Scoileanna Ildánacha. B'iad na plátaí adhmaid agus polaí  a spreag na leana chun dul i mbun oibre.Níl deireadh leis na smaointí agus féidireachtaí idir chúrsaí constaice, seastán boinn, droichid, geataí, framaí aclaíochta, réaltaí, staighrí, cathaoireacha cruthaithe ina measc mar chuid den bhfís gur mhaith leo bheith acu sa timpeallacht scoile!

Over the past term our children have been using their imaginations and voices to explore possibilities for our school environment under the Creative Schools Initiative. The colourful pallets and poles inspired by the school’s garden committee formed the platform to fire the imaginations of the children and the thoughts and possibilities from them were endless as obstacle courses, podiums, bridges, tree houses, gates, limber frames, stars, stairs, chairs all featured in their vision for what they would like to see created. 


Máire Uí Shé, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Uimhir Rolla


Fón: 021-4826181



Cumann Rugbaí Bhaile an Chollaigh, Tanner Park, Cúl Rua, Baile an Chollaigh, Co. Chorcaí, P31 W270


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