D’imigh ranganna a 2,3 agus 4 ag treodóireacht sa Pháirc Réigiúnda i rith na seachtaine. Cé nach raibh an aimsir ró-chinéalta linn bhain na páistí agus múinteoirí an méid sin taitnimh as an lá.
Táimid fíorbhuíoch do Joe Valentine a chabhraigh linn an deis iontach seo a chur ar fáil don scoil! 🧭
Rang 2,3&4 went orienteering in the Regional Park as part of our Active Week. Although the weather was not too kind to them, the children and teachers still all thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Thank you to Joe Valentine, a grandad from our school, who set up this opportunity.
